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Aptos Thread, Thread Lifts, Thread Lifting, APTOS Thread Methods, aptos thread methods, sulamanidze, face lifting, Asclepion, Wontech, Wontech Lasers, Aesthetic Devices, Medical Devices, Aesthetic Training, excellence visage, visage excellence,
Clinically Proven

Developed by Surgeons

Lasting results

Up to 2 years

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With APTOS Specialists



APTOS has been a pioneer of innovation and product development for the past 20 years. They offer a wide range of clinically developed and proven methods, which have helped doctors worldwide to achieve their patients’ goals.

Now APTOS is available here in the UK, in an exclusive partnership with Novus Medical.

APTOS’s methods were invented by the Georgian plastic surgeon, Dr. Marlen Sulamanidze, known as the inventor of thread lifting.  APTOS Threads were further developed by his sons - plastic surgeons, Drs. George and Konstantin Sulamanidze. You will often see them presenting at international conferences and training events.  Both Dr George and Dr Konstatin feature within our online training and webinar sessions that are available to UK clinicians. 

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25 Years In Development

It is often felt that “past performance is always a good predictor of future performance”, and throughout APTOS’s history, quality has been their trademark.  APTOS’s heritage has developed a range of over 30 threads, and more than 50 methods. These threads and methods have obtained 18 patents, of which 8 are international. APTOS brings their products to life through a comprehensive training program, delivered both online or face to face.  Novus Medical would be very happy to invite you to attend our training and bring you into our UK APTOS family of practitioners.

The sharing of the deep understanding, knowledge and expertise of the experienced clinical team at APTOS with doctors around the world, has been crucial in helping each and every patient look better and, as a result, feel better.

Created by doctors for doctors, APTOS threads and methods have been transforming the way aesthetic medicine is delivered, thereby enhancing the results patients have achieved since the inception of this treatment.

Our range of methods

As featured in:

Sylfirm X review


How to improve the recovery condition after an APTOS thread lifting?
  • There are simple procedures that are prescribed to patients to facilitate and speed up the recovery process:
  • In the first 2 days, apply a cold compress or APTOS Ice pack to the correction area several times a day. This will reduce swelling;
  • In case of constant, intrusive pain, the taking of analgesics is acceptable, in accordance with instructions;
  • To accelerate the healing process, it is recommended to take anti-oedema drugs, in agreement with the doctor, and decongestant procedures, such as microcurrent therapy;
  • It is recommended to treat the skin puncture sites with antiseptic solution within 3 days;
  • In some cases, the doctor can also prescribe antibiotic therapy for 3-5 days to exclude inflammation;
  • Avoid being in the sun, and/or heat treatments such as a sauna, steam bath and solarium for 1 month;
  • Within 2 months, it is prohibited to undergo physiotherapy, myostimulation and massage in the area of correction;
  • Where possible, limit facial expression (if the thread correction was performed on the face);
  • Exclude vigorous physical activity for a minimum of 2 weeks
  • It is not recommended to take hot or spicy foods or hot drinks for the first 3 days, and alcohol for 2 weeks;
During the 1st week, it is recommended to refrain from air travel.

It is recommended to revisit the specialist on the 7th and 14th days, and 3 & 6 months after the procedure, to monitor the recovery process and, if necessary, to correct the rehabilitation measures and take prompt action in case of deviations. You can assess the outcome of the procedure more objectively by the end of the 3rd week, when the healing process is completed and the soft tissues have returned to a natural state. The maximum results will appear in the 2nd month after the procedure, when you will notice a significant improvement in the quality of the treated skin.

What if the face became asymmetric?

Light asymmetry is not a cause for concern. For all people, some disproportion in their appearance is characteristic, and this is considered the norm. Produced manipulations cause a natural swelling of the soft tissues, which causes the asymmetry to become more noticeable for a while, which may not look familiar.

But a few days later, any oedemas will disappear, and as the corrected area acquires new, more attractive outlines, the asymmetry will become invisible. The main thing is to not forget to follow the recommendations of the doctor during the rehabilitation period, so that swelling quickly subsides.

Does it hurt during and after the procedure?

Thread lifting is a method of aesthetic correction of age-related changes in the face and body. APTOS thread modelling is a modern technology combining the latest achievements in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery. It utilises the knowledge and many years of experience of leading specialists, which allows us to realise the ideal of ​​achieving a long lasting effect with minimal tissue trauma, excluding long-term rehabilitation. Thread correction is the optimal solution for people who want to preserve their natural beauty without serious consequences or health risks, as well as spending too much time and money.

What type of threads are implanted?

To eliminate age-related changes, as well as correct and model aesthetic disadvantages, APTOS offers a wide range of absorbable and non-absorbable threads.

·      The resorbable threads are made from the copolymer L-lactide and Ꜫ-caprolactone, which is completely biocompatible with the human body and excludes the possibility of an allergic reaction. Polylactic acid, which is included in the composition of the threads, activates the production of collagen and thus provides an additional rejuvenating effect, while slowing down the ageing process until the moment of their complete resorption. The effect of the procedure lasts about 2-3 years, depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient, their lifestyle and the recommendations during the recovery period after the procedure;

·      Non-absorbable threads consist of a medical suture material of polypropylene and are most often used to correct deep and/or prominent wrinkles. The results last on average for up to 5 years.

The type of threads is determined by the doctor during the preliminary consultation, based on the task, the age of the patient and the severity of the problem.

Will the procedure be painful?

Thread correction refers to low-trauma methods and is considered a relatively painless procedure. However, even a small puncture requires anaesthesia. Therefore, for the comfort of patients, doctors use local anaesthesia, which involves the introduction of an anaesthetic solution into the puncture area and over the contours of the threads implantation. The implantation does not cause painful sensations, however, anaesthesia can cause some discomfort and slight unpleasant sensations at the beginning of the procedure and afterwards when anaesthesia wears off.

Women should also plan the procedure according to their menstrual cycle, because during the first week, many have increased sensitivity, and a raised pain threshold can increase discomfort, even from minimal intervention.

Discomfort in the postoperative period: how do you minimise this?

After the procedure, at the termination of anaesthesia, patients may experience some pain. This is normal. It is also possible to experience the manifestation of the following reactions: small oedemas, bruising, asymmetry, unevenness and skin tightening. These, as a rule, take place within the first 2 weeks. To ease the condition during the first 2 days, it is recommended to apply cold presses 3-4 times daily for 15 minutes in the area of correction, [delete and] take analgesics as per the doctor's prescription, and drugs that reduce swelling.

The healing process depends largely on skincare during the recovery period, which should necessarily be treated with antiseptic solutions. Additionally, as a restorative measure, the physician can recommend a variety of hardware and injection procedures.

During the rehabilitation period, you should also not take hot food or drinks during the first 3 days. It is also necessary to avoid any physical exertion for 2 weeks, and this also applies to external heat to the modelling area, such as saunas, solariums and sun exposure. Avoid overactive facial expressions as well, if correction was carried out on the face.

What results can be achieved?

With the help of a thread lifting it is possible to achieve the following visible changes on the face:

·      Recovery of tone and improvement of skin elasticity;

·      Realignment of contours;

·      General lifting of the face or individual zones;

·      Elimination of small and deep wrinkles, for example, nasolabial folds, "marionette   

       wrinkles", and deep forehead lines;

·      Highlighting of cheekbones;

·      Correction of shape of eyebrows, nose, lips and chin;

·      Elimination of lip folds;

·      Elimination of double chins;

·      Restoration of symmetry;

·      Restoration of clear facial contours 

Stable results can also be achieved with the reinforcement and elimination of ageing and aesthetic defects in the following areas:

·      Décolleté;

·      Neck;

·      Chest area;

·      On hands;

·      On laps;

·      Area of thighs and abdomen;

·      Inner thighs.
