HYBRID 755nm Long-Pulsed Alexandrite and 1064nm Nd:YAG
Sandro Dual
Sandro Dual combines 755nm Long-Pulsed Alexandrite and 1064nm Nd:YAG Lasers in one system that provides a wide range of pulse durations, higher repetition rates, and various spot sizes.
Hybrid mode is the most advanced technology that sequentially emits on two wavelengths (either 755nm-106nm or 1064nm-755nm) at a preset time interval. It provides optimal results in hair removal and vascular lesion to all skin types, even with lower fluence.
Sandro Dual performs the highest repetition rate up to 5Hz at 755nm and 2Hz in Hybrid mode. It shortens procedural time and increases therapeutic efficacy of hair removal, resulting in fast POI and higher patient satisfaction.
Device indications
Hair Removal
Underarm/Arm Leg
Philtrum Beard
Skin Rejuvenation
Enlarged Pores
Fine Lines
Uneven Skin Texture
Pigmented Lesions
Solar Lentigines
Seborrheic Keratosis
Vascular Lesions
Facial Veins
Diffuse Redness
Leg Veins